Norvan LD 4 | Envío y devoluciones gratis

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  • 4 4 5.5 4ZM3.5 4C3.22386 4 3 3.77614 3 3.5C3 3.22386 3.22386 3 3.5 3C3.77614 3 4 3.22386 4 3.5C4 3.77614 3.77614 4 3.5 4ZM1.5 4C1.22386 4 1 3.77614 1 3.5C1 3.22386 1.22386 3 1.5 3C1.77614 3 2 3.22386 2 3.5C2 3.77614 1.77614 4 1.5 4ZM2.5 5C2.22386 5 2 4.77614 2 4.5C2 4.22386 2.22386 4 2.5 4C2.77614 4 3 4.22386 3 4.5C3 4.77614 2.77614 5 2.5 5ZM4.5 5C4.22386 5 4 4.77614 4 4.5C4 4.22386 4.22386 4 4.5 4C4.77614 4 5 4.22386 5 4.5C5 4.77614 4.77614 5 4.5 5ZM6.5 5C6.22386 5 6 4.77614 6 4.5C6 4.22386 6.22386 4 6.5 4C6.77614 4 7 4.22386 7 4.5C7 4.77614 6.77614 5 6.5 5ZM7.5 6C7.22386 6 7 5.77614 7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 5 7.5 5C7.77614 5 8 5.22386 8 5.5C8 5.77614 7.77614 6 7.5 6ZM5.5 6C5.22386 6 5 5.77614 5 5.5C5 5.22386 5.22386 5 5.5 5C5.77614 5 6 5.22386 6 5.5C6 5.77614 5.77614 6 5.5 6ZM3.5 6C3.22386 6 3 5.77614 3 5.5C3 5.22386 3.22386 5 3.5 5C3.77614 5 4 5.22386 4 5.5C4 5.77614 3.77614 6 3.5 6ZM1.5 6C1.22386 6 1 5.77614 1 5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5C1.77614 5 2 5.22386 2 5.5C2 5.77614 1.77614 6 1.5 6Z"

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  • 4 4 5.5 4ZM3.5 4C3.22386 4 3 3.77614 3 3.5C3 3.22386 3.22386 3 3.5 3C3.77614 3 4 3.22386 4 3.5C4 3.77614 3.77614 4 3.5 4ZM1.5 4C1.22386 4 1 3.77614 1 3.5C1 3.22386 1.22386 3 1.5 3C1.77614 3 2 3.22386 2 3.5C2 3.77614 1.77614 4 1.5 4ZM2.5 5C2.22386 5 2 4.77614 2 4.5C2 4.22386 2.22386 4 2.5 4C2.77614 4 3 4.22386 3 4.5C3 4.77614 2.77614 5 2.5 5ZM4.5 5C4.22386 5 4 4.77614 4 4.5C4 4.22386 4.22386 4 4.5 4C4.77614 4 5 4.22386 5 4.5C5 4.77614 4.77614 5 4.5 5ZM6.5 5C6.22386 5 6 4.77614 6 4.5C6 4.22386 6.22386 4 6.5 4C6.77614 4 7 4.22386 7 4.5C7 4.77614 6.77614 5 6.5 5ZM7.5 6C7.22386 6 7 5.77614 7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 5 7.5 5C7.77614 5 8 5.22386 8 5.5C8 5.77614 7.77614 6 7.5 6ZM5.5 6C5.22386 6 5 5.77614 5 5.5C5 5.22386 5.22386 5 5.5 5C5.77614 5 6 5.22386 6 5.5C6 5.77614 5.77614 6 5.5 6ZM3.5 6C3.22386 6 3 5.77614 3 5.5C3 5.22386 3.22386 5 3.5 5C3.77614 5 4 5.22386 4 5.5C4 5.77614 3.77614 6 3.5 6ZM1.5 6C1.22386 6 1 5.77614 1 5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5C1.77614 5 2 5.22386 2 5.5C2 5.77614 1.77614 6 1.5 6Z"

    United States

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Corre con estabilidad con la nueva Norvan LD 4, con una pisada reactiva, tracción equilibrada y ajuste firme sobre terrenos complejos.

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Riñonera Mantis 2
549,00 NOK

Riñonera Mantis 2

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102 de 114 (89%) personas que han escrito una reseña recomiendan este producto

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39 to 68 de 135 Reseñas
39 – 68 de 135 Reseñas
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EdadDe 25 a 34
5 de 5 estrellas.


hace un año
Perfect to take out on a hike or just to the store
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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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5 de 5 estrellas.


hace un año
la mejor riñonera del mercado, muy buenos materiales. la tengo en distintos colores y tamaños
P: Pros:
R: bolsillo para el movil

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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5 de 5 estrellas.

Great feature

hace un año
Every color I bought! I Love them very much! Great value
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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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2 de 5 estrellas.

old style was better.

hace un año
Can't stand the new strap - cuts into you if you have any weight in the bag compared to the old style and also doesn't fit as music as the old one and doesn't expand. Big bummer loved the old style and the new style isn't it. dont fix something that's not broken
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P: Tu altura:
R: 5

Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
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Customer Service
Hello there, Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback on the Mantis 2 Waistpack. We're genuinely sorry to hear that you're disappointed and that it did not suit your needs. Our customers will occasionally read these reviews, so we appreciate it when others share their experience with us, and we will be sure to pass your comments along to our design team. If you have any additional comments or concerns, we welcome you to contact our Customer Service team, and one of our representatives would be happy to assist you. All the best
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5 de 5 estrellas.

Compact and great features

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Compact and fit my everyday use. Beautiful color, the one I have is orange. Especially, it has a pocket for mobile phone. Nice and convenient! Love it. Thank you Arc’teryx.
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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Gothenburg, Sweden
EdadDe 25 a 34
5 de 5 estrellas.

Perfect bag for a perfect price

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I was looking for a bag for my travels to Japan. Every other bag I tested does not have the same high quality and features as this one. I can fit everything I need with me such as camera, film, passport powerbank, snus, headphones, keys and more. I am so happy I found the perfect bag for my travels. P.s it’s very comfortable
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P: Pros:
R: Compact, allot of space
P: Contras:
R: Can’t think of any
P: Actividad:
R: Hiking
P: Tu altura:
R: 188

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Kansas City, MO
EdadDe 35 a 44
5 de 5 estrellas.

Great sling pack - very useful features

hace un año
I bought two Arc slingpacks - this and the Granville 3L - and this is the bag I keep coming back to. The Mantis's depth makes it much easier for my to carry my EDC items and I also love the feature at the back where I can slot my cellphone in. The cellphone pocket makes it a lot easier to store and retrieve whenever it is needed. Overall, I would buy again!
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P: Contras:
R: Sling width could be wider
P: Actividad:
R: Hiking, going around town
P: Tu altura:
R: 5'6"

Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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EdadDe 25 a 34
5 de 5 estrellas.

Ultimate small pack

hace un año
This is the perfect small pack to carry every day to keep keys, wallets and glasses safe without filling up your pockets and having to transfer things back and forth. I just grab this and go! There's a small open pocket for easy access to cards or a phone which is handy for public transport and paying for things quickly.
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P: Actividad:
R: Everyday carry

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Świdnica, Poland
EdadDe 35 a 44
5 de 5 estrellas.

Great capacity, very useful

hace un año
Very lightweight, a lot of storage capacity - I was suprised how much I can fit into this pack. Many visibly bigger waistpacks have a lot less space. Also, it fits very well worn as a slingbag. Great for city walks and short hikes.
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P: Pros:
R: A lot of storage space
P: Contras:
R: Strap is little less comfortable
P: Actividad:
R: Hiking, camping, bike
P: Tu altura:
R: 182

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Hacienda Heights
EdadDe 45 a 54
5 de 5 estrellas.

Versatility and strong gear

hace un año
Very versatile to use and one strong little bag. I could use it for any occasion and all my family can use it.
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P: Pros:
R: Very useful for any occasion
P: Contras:
R: Non
P: Actividad:
R: Everyday use
P: Tu altura:
R: 6’

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Alaska, AK
EdadDe 18 a 24
5 de 5 estrellas.

Wonderful bag!

hace un año
Bought this and I love how versatile it is, I can bring it everywhere with me, has all the right pockets, easy to clean, pack. And is overall a great bag. Love the adjustable straps as well.
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P: Pros:
R: All pros
P: Actividad:
R: Outdoors and indoors
P: Tu altura:
R: 5’6”

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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EdadDe 25 a 34
5 de 5 estrellas.

Sacoche extrêmement pratique !

hace un año
J'ai acheté cet article, qui est mon premier achat Arc Teryx, et je ne regrette pas une seule seconde : sacoche volumineuse, parfaite pour un voyage ou au quotidien, d'un esthétique épuré et d'un très grand confort !
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P: Pros:
R: pratique, spacieuse et esthétique
P: Contras:
R: aucun selon moi
P: Actividad:
R: tous les jours, au travail
P: Tu altura:
R: 183 cm

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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EdadDe 25 a 34
5 de 5 estrellas.

Great Daily Carry

hace un año
Bought this Bag a few years ago and it’s been my daily use ever since. Fits more stuff than you would think but it isn’t too big or bulky. Also decently water repellent and has a perfect number of pockets.
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P: Pros:
R: Design, pockets, water repelant
P: Actividad:
R: Daily everyday use
P: Tu altura:
R: 5’8”

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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EdadDe 25 a 34
5 de 5 estrellas.

Roomy Bag!

hace un año
I purchased this a month ago and absolutely love it! Its the perfect everyday bag. I love how its still a small cross body bag but has so much room to it! Great durable material and lots of pockets!
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P: Pros:
R: Durable, Roomy, Comfortable
P: Actividad:
R: Everyday
P: Tu altura:
R: 51

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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5 de 5 estrellas.

Bring back black!

hace un año
I bought one for my boyfriend and now I want one for myself, but only bright colours available. Please bring back navy, gray, black, neutral options!
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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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EdadDe 35 a 44
4 de 5 estrellas.

Amazing quality for price

hace un año
Extremely happy with this purchase! Sits on the shoulder well, compartments are a good size and small pockets inside are great for organising !!
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P: Actividad:
R: Walking

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Vancouver, BC
EdadDe 18 a 24
5 de 5 estrellas.

It’s got it all!

hace un año
It’s perfect. Light and comfy. Holds everything from phone to DSLR camera.
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P: Actividad:
R: Travel, commute, hiking
P: Tu altura:
R: 5’ 11”

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Stouffville, ON
EdadDe 35 a 44
5 de 5 estrellas.

Perfect size, perfect colour, very fast delivery.

hace un año
Bag arrived 2 days after I placed my order so I was very pleased with that. Size is just perfect for what I need. Love the yellow colour as well! Has additional inside compartments which was a nice surprise. Paid a little more than what I wanted in a waistpack, but hopefully it'll last many seasons.
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P: Pros:
R: Colour, size, extra compartments.
P: Contras:
R: Price.
P: Actividad:
R: Walking around town.

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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EdadDe 45 a 54
5 de 5 estrellas.

Nice product

hace un año
I bought past 2 weeks ago and I love it. The size is perfect.
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P: Actividad:
R: Running, walking, cycling, hiking ...
P: Tu altura:
R: 130

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Calgary, AB
EdadDe 45 a 54
5 de 5 estrellas.

Great belt bag

hace un año
I’ve bought the 1.5L and use for everyday, specifically for day hiking to put my phone and little snacks, super love it. So I bought the mantis 2 for my 3 day backpack hiking for more essential staff without stopping to get from my big backpack.
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P: Actividad:
R: Hiking, biking, skiing, paddle boarding
P: Tu altura:
R: 5”6

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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San Francisco, CA
EdadDe 35 a 44
ComplexiónCon curvas
5 de 5 estrellas.

Compact and Reliable Adventure Companion

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The Arc'teryx Mantis 2 Waist Pack in Color Black II has become an essential addition to my outdoor gear collection. Its compact design and thoughtful features make it an ideal companion for a variety of adventures. I use the Mantis 2 frequently during hikes, trail runs, and bike rides. Its lightweight nature and secure fit make it easy to carry, and I never feel encumbered. The waist strap adjusts comfortably, ensuring a snug fit without causing discomfort during extended use. The pack's pockets are thoughtfully organized, allowing me to keep my essentials easily accessible and well-sorted. While its compact size is great for minimalist outings, it's important to note that the capacity might be limited for those looking to carry larger items. The fit and feel of the Mantis 2 are as expected from Arc'teryx—high quality. The materials used are durable, with sturdy zippers that give a sense of longevity. It's great for storing smaller necessities like keys, snacks, and a small water bottle. Before purchasing, consider the type of adventures you'll be using the pack for. While it's excellent for quick trips and activities, those needing to carry larger gear or multiple items might find it limited in capacity. In conclusion, the Arc'teryx Mantis 2 Waist Pack is a reliable and well-designed companion for outdoor enthusiasts. Its compact size, secure fit, and thoughtful organization pockets make it a go-to choice for various activities. Whether you're hitting the trails, exploring new regions, or simply enjoying the outdoors, the Mantis 2 has you covered.
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P: Pros:
R: Compact and lightweight, durable
P: Actividad:
R: hikes, trail runs, walks, travel, bike rides

Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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5 de 5 estrellas.

excellent but...

hace un año
This is the third reiteration I have purchased and it has some welcomed changes...the strap is thinner and ends at the bag end are covered so they do not pile and damage an entire wardrobe of clothing as previous versions have. The secure zipped interior pocket is once more moved to the back, making more sense, and the replacement of zips in general create a more efficient use of volume. The two hiccups is that on one side of the buckle the strap is still folded backward so that it rubs on and damages clothing, the other is the key strap has been moved from the front pocket to the inner zipped one. Although this makes keys more secure it is more awkward when needing them as they cannot be readily accessed.
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P: Pros:
R: more useful volume
P: Contras:
R: key strap, buckle end strap
P: Actividad:
R: everyday

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Seattle, WA
5 de 5 estrellas.

Love the black-on-black logo!!!

hace un año
This is the 4th time I've gotten this same "waistpack" over the years, though I use it as a daily purse. I am thrilled to finally have one where the logo doesn't show up boldly, since I use it for both casual and dress-up occasions.
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P: Pros:
R: Black on black logo looks great!
P: Actividad:
R: Daily use

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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EdadDe 45 a 54
5 de 5 estrellas.

Love it. Perfect. Strong recommendation.

hace un año
Love it, perfect for traveling and daily life. purchased a few including 1 and 2 for myself and for My family . Only one suggestion if the strap is wider would be even more perfectly.
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P: Actividad:
R: traveling, daily life

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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Toronto, Canada
5 de 5 estrellas.

Love the colour and features

hace un año
Love it. I've been trying to get one since my son has his 2 years ago. I wish it is a little bigger to fit my allergy bag.
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P: Tu altura:
R: 5'

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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EdadDe 45 a 54
5 de 5 estrellas.


hace un año
I was looking for a small carry-on bag, most bag a either too small or too big and bulky! This one is perfet, carry on pet stuff, gopro, phone etc! I bought the wrong color and decided to buy another one and keep both!
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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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EdadDe 25 a 34
5 de 5 estrellas.

Super Tasche

hace un año
Habe es mir für den Thailand Urlaub gekauft. Ich brauchte was wo ich alles verstauen kann und trotzdem klein und handlich ist. Für meine Zwecke war die Tasche perfekt.
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P: Actividad:
R: Hiking, sightseeing

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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EdadDe 35 a 44
5 de 5 estrellas.


hace un año
good size for everything!! i love it! i hope restock soon(black)
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P: Tu altura:
R: 170cm

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Publicada originalmente en Mantis 2 Waist Pack, 2020-2023

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39 – 68 de 135 Reseñas
Mantis 2 Waist Pack
rating 4.6029 out of 5136 Opiniones

Organización inteligente en una riñonera de 2,5 litros de capacidad que también puede llevarse en bandolera.

549,00 NOK

Color:Black II

Riñonera Mantis 2

Simple, inteligentemente diseñada y hecha con tejido de poliéster para mochila100% reciclado, la riñonera Mantis grande es perfecta para salidas cortas o como bolsa accesoria en actividades más largas. El bolsillo frontal con cremallera tiene un mosquetón llavero, y los compartimentos internos incluyen un bolsillo de fácil acceso y otro con cremallera. Un discreto y bien pensado bolsillo en el panel trasero alberga el móvil.


Para actividades de montaña, diseños duraderos y seguros para condiciones inesperadas y diversas.

Mochilas de travesía

Sistemas de viaje ligeros y duraderos, de uso sencillo, seguros y ergonómicos.

Fair Trade

Fabricado en unas instalaciones con la certificación Fair Trade Certified™. El bienestar de los trabajadores ha de ser parte integrante de nuestros productos.