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  • 4 4 5.5 4ZM3.5 4C3.22386 4 3 3.77614 3 3.5C3 3.22386 3.22386 3 3.5 3C3.77614 3 4 3.22386 4 3.5C4 3.77614 3.77614 4 3.5 4ZM1.5 4C1.22386 4 1 3.77614 1 3.5C1 3.22386 1.22386 3 1.5 3C1.77614 3 2 3.22386 2 3.5C2 3.77614 1.77614 4 1.5 4ZM2.5 5C2.22386 5 2 4.77614 2 4.5C2 4.22386 2.22386 4 2.5 4C2.77614 4 3 4.22386 3 4.5C3 4.77614 2.77614 5 2.5 5ZM4.5 5C4.22386 5 4 4.77614 4 4.5C4 4.22386 4.22386 4 4.5 4C4.77614 4 5 4.22386 5 4.5C5 4.77614 4.77614 5 4.5 5ZM6.5 5C6.22386 5 6 4.77614 6 4.5C6 4.22386 6.22386 4 6.5 4C6.77614 4 7 4.22386 7 4.5C7 4.77614 6.77614 5 6.5 5ZM7.5 6C7.22386 6 7 5.77614 7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 5 7.5 5C7.77614 5 8 5.22386 8 5.5C8 5.77614 7.77614 6 7.5 6ZM5.5 6C5.22386 6 5 5.77614 5 5.5C5 5.22386 5.22386 5 5.5 5C5.77614 5 6 5.22386 6 5.5C6 5.77614 5.77614 6 5.5 6ZM3.5 6C3.22386 6 3 5.77614 3 5.5C3 5.22386 3.22386 5 3.5 5C3.77614 5 4 5.22386 4 5.5C4 5.77614 3.77614 6 3.5 6ZM1.5 6C1.22386 6 1 5.77614 1 5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5C1.77614 5 2 5.22386 2 5.5C2 5.77614 1.77614 6 1.5 6Z"

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  • 4 4 5.5 4ZM3.5 4C3.22386 4 3 3.77614 3 3.5C3 3.22386 3.22386 3 3.5 3C3.77614 3 4 3.22386 4 3.5C4 3.77614 3.77614 4 3.5 4ZM1.5 4C1.22386 4 1 3.77614 1 3.5C1 3.22386 1.22386 3 1.5 3C1.77614 3 2 3.22386 2 3.5C2 3.77614 1.77614 4 1.5 4ZM2.5 5C2.22386 5 2 4.77614 2 4.5C2 4.22386 2.22386 4 2.5 4C2.77614 4 3 4.22386 3 4.5C3 4.77614 2.77614 5 2.5 5ZM4.5 5C4.22386 5 4 4.77614 4 4.5C4 4.22386 4.22386 4 4.5 4C4.77614 4 5 4.22386 5 4.5C5 4.77614 4.77614 5 4.5 5ZM6.5 5C6.22386 5 6 4.77614 6 4.5C6 4.22386 6.22386 4 6.5 4C6.77614 4 7 4.22386 7 4.5C7 4.77614 6.77614 5 6.5 5ZM7.5 6C7.22386 6 7 5.77614 7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 5 7.5 5C7.77614 5 8 5.22386 8 5.5C8 5.77614 7.77614 6 7.5 6ZM5.5 6C5.22386 6 5 5.77614 5 5.5C5 5.22386 5.22386 5 5.5 5C5.77614 5 6 5.22386 6 5.5C6 5.77614 5.77614 6 5.5 6ZM3.5 6C3.22386 6 3 5.77614 3 5.5C3 5.22386 3.22386 5 3.5 5C3.77614 5 4 5.22386 4 5.5C4 5.77614 3.77614 6 3.5 6ZM1.5 6C1.22386 6 1 5.77614 1 5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5C1.77614 5 2 5.22386 2 5.5C2 5.77614 1.77614 6 1.5 6Z"

    United States

Nouvelles chaussures

La nouvelle Norvan LD 4 allie réactivité, adhérence équilibrée et maintien fiable sur terrain variable et accidenté, pour une stabilité optimale à chaque foulée.

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Bota Kopec Mid GTX Hombre
2199,00 NOK

Bota Kopec Mid GTX Hombre

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10 de 16 (63%) personas que han escrito una reseña recomiendan este producto

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9 – 38 de 38 Reseñas
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P: Talla:
R: 9.5
P: Pros:
R: Looks, laces system, and material.
P: Contras:
R: Fit, grip, and water resistance.
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Casual Wear, Hiking

No, No recomiendo este producto.

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 2 meses
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Hi there. Thanks for sharing your feedback on the Kopec Mid GTX Boot. We are sorry to hear that you are disappointed and that they did not suit your needs. We appreciate your detailed comments and we will make sure to pass them to our team.
0 comentarios
Tipo de arco:Arco normal
EdadDe 25 a 34
2 de 5 estrellas.

Size up

hace 2 meses
Fit is way smaller. Won't get bigger sizes back in stock. Toes are crammed up at the top and they are quite narrow. No chance of wearing thicker socks. Definitely buy a size or two bigger than what you actually are.
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P: Talla:
R: 41
P: Pros:
R: Looks nice
P: Contras:
R: Way to small.
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Trekking, Casual Wear, Hiking

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 2 meses
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Hi Ryan. Thanks for sharing your feedback on the Kopec Mid GTX Boot. We are sorry to hear that you are disappointed with the fit and we will make sure to pass your comments to our team.
0 comentarios
Tipo de arco:Arco normal
EdadDe 55 a 64
5 de 5 estrellas.

Fit my feet well

hace 2 meses
I just got a pair of these. I have feet that are slightly wider at the toes, with a long big toe so the toe box is perfect, I have narrow ankles/heel and a low volume foot so the fact they shape in snugly around the ankle is also great for me (sometimes referred to as a 'wide fan' in terms of shape, I am a female but tall, with long feet, so destined to wear men's boots). They wont be right for everyone, but its great to see a much wider diversity of boot shape than 20/5 years ago - when I had to wear three pairs of socks folded down to fill the ankle space whilst my toes were crushed by the tapered end that made no effort to accommodate a big toe. Thank you arc'teryx for providing foot shaped foot wear, that accommodates toes and don't assume we all have fat ankles. My left foot is aware of the tongue seam though so that could be improved.
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P: Talla:
R: 43.5
P: Pros:
R: Actually foot shaped, and light
P: Contras:
R: Tongue seam can press into foot
Uso este producto para:Hiking

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EdadDe 25 a 34
4 de 5 estrellas.

A promise delivered!

hace 2 meses
It fulfills its promises of being waterproof, comfortable, and light. I just tried this pair on today, and my first impression was excellent. I have the black/void edition, and it looks great. The only thing I noticed was that the shoe laces were easily untied, so tie them twice to ensure they are secure.
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P: Talla:
R: 7.5
Uso este producto para:Trekking, Hiking

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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4 de 5 estrellas.

Overall review

hace 2 meses
I absolutely love how they look and feel. These boots are crazy comfortable. The waterproofing is 100% to they work so well the only problem I have is the laces. They do untie themselves quite frequently
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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3 de 5 estrellas.

love te orange

hace 2 meses
I typically wear Salomon's but wanted to try these out as they have a wide fit. Overall I like them, they fit ok but better with superfeet insoles. the toe box is nice and wide, however the laces do not go down far enough stabilize the front of the shoe and they break on the ridge in front of the laces. it can be felt on the top of my toes when walking.
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 2 meses
Customer Service
Hello Luddite, thank you for sharing your experience with the Kopec Mid GTX Boot. We’re glad to hear you appreciate the wide fit and roomy toe box, but we’re sorry to learn about the discomfort caused by the lacing system and pressure on your toes. Your feedback about the lacing design and its impact on stability is important and will be shared with our product team for review. If you’d like assistance with fit adjustments or recommendations for alternative styles, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
0 comentarios
3 de 5 estrellas.

You're getting closer, but you need data

hace 2 meses
Arc'teryx is making an attempt here and it's appreciated, but the anthropometrics say that "wide" feet start at 108mm for a 260mm length foot. That's 108mm at the metatarsal heads. I'm a physio with wide feet after years of hiking and these boots aren't really getting it done. It's so close though. Please try again and make a non waterproof version. Water poof is only really good if the entire trip is going to be below 15C. That doesn't fit most peoples desired use cases.
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 2 meses
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Thank you for your detailed feedback and for sharing your perspective as a physiotherapist on the Kopec Mid GTX Boot. We appreciate your insights regarding the width and the need for a non-waterproof version. We understand how important it is to get the right fit, especially for wide feet, and we’ll be sure to pass your comments along to our design team as they continue to refine our boots. We’re grateful for your input and hope to improve your experience with us in the future.
0 comentarios
Tipo de arco:Arco alto
EdadDe 35 a 44
5 de 5 estrellas.

Comfortable and nice looking

hace 3 meses
it is great. very comfortable and nice looking. I love it!
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P: Talla:
R: 9.5
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Hiking

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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5 de 5 estrellas.

Reliable boot

hace 3 meses
I've used these through snow and rain and appreciate the Gore-tex liner to keep the feet dry. I've only worn these for a month so I'd hope that they stay waterproof after long term wear. The Vibram rubber feels grippy and keeps the boot lightweight for quick strides. As a tip, I would recommend sizing down for this product.
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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5 de 5 estrellas.

great little boots.

hace 3 meses
great little boots. not really for mountain stuff, but i use them locally around forest trails etc. great fit, comfortable and good support.
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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EdadDe 35 a 44
5 de 5 estrellas.

The best shoe ever

hace 3 meses
From last 5 years I use only shoes ARC'TERYX AERIOS FL 2 MID GTX. This time I order Kopec Mid GTX and I'm so happy. The shoe is a bit different than Aerios fl 2 but for me better. Arcteryx is my favourite company and I stay with Arcteryx definitely.
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Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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1 comentario
hace 2 meses
Great boots but the rubber at front came loose so one boot isn’t waterproof anymore.
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Tipo de arco:Arco normal
EdadDe 45 a 54
3 de 5 estrellas.

Beautiful boots,not waterproof.

hace 3 meses
After owning these boots for a few months I feel I can give an honest review. Overall the look and fit of these boots is amazing. Sturdy materials, nice locking with the laces, secure mid foot, cradles the heel nicely, plenty of room in the toe & they look like no other boot out there. These boots are so much better for me than the Aerios. I really wanted to give them a 5 star review but… they’re not waterproof. Water resistant maybe but no way waterproof. I had my doubts on a few outings but the last couple of weeks has seen me returning from walks with soaked feet with the majority of it coming through the forefront of the boots. I’ve looked after the boots in accordance with instructions from Arc’teryx & after a few months wear & the start of winter in Wales this is disappointing.
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P: Talla:
R: 10
P: Pros:
R: Sturdy,great fit,look great.
P: Contras:
R: Not waterproof
Uso este producto para:Hiking

No, No recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 3 meses
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Hi Mark. Thanks for sharing your feedback on the Kopec Mid GTX Boot. We are sorry to hear about the issue you experienced with the waterproofness of them. We recommend filling out a Product Service Request form and our team will be more than happy to further look into it for you: https://arcteryx.com/ca/en/help/product-service/service-request
0 comentarios
Tipo de arco:Arco normal
EdadDe 55 a 64
1 de 5 estrellas.

Not a great shoe

hace 3 meses
I’m extremely disappointed with the Kopec Mid GTX boots from Arc'teryx. These boots are, without a doubt, the worst pair of shoes I’ve ever owned, not just from Arc'teryx, but from any brand. The fit is incredibly awkward—no matter how I adjusted them, they never felt right. In fact, they were the first shoes in my life that caused me so much discomfort I had to take them off midday to give my feet a break. The pain in my forefoot was unbearable after just a few hours of wear, making it impossible to continue using them. I’ve never experienced such poor fit and discomfort in a pair of boots before. Unfortunately, I had to return them as they simply weren’t wearable. For a brand known for quality, I expected much better. These boots were a major letdown and I would not recommend them to anyone.
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P: Talla:
R: 12 US
P: Pros:
R: they look cool
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Casual Wear

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 3 meses
Customer Service
Hello Maciek, thank you for sharing your feedback on the Kopec Mid GTX boots. We’re truly sorry to hear that your experience with them was disappointing and that they caused you such discomfort. Your feedback is invaluable, and we will share it with our design and development teams to ensure we continue improving. If you’re open to trying a different model, our team would be happy to assist you in finding a pair that better suits your needs.
0 comentarios
5 de 5 estrellas.

Great all around casual hiker

hace 4 meses
Great casual hiker that has a little extra support.
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Tipo de arco:Arco normal
4 de 5 estrellas.

Kopec Check: Perfect Fit, But Needs a Tweak

hace 4 meses
The Kopec Mid GTX Boot is true to size, and the roomy toe box fits perfectly (I’m usually a US 11). Love the premium feel and materials, especially the Gore-Tex Invisible Fit, which handles Vancouver’s wet, cold weather like a champ. The easy on/off design is a big plus, but there’s a bit too much space between the tongue and collar. Would’ve loved a lace garage on the tongue area too. Overall, it’s a solid boot with a few small tweaks needed!
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P: Talla:
R: 10.5 UK
P: Pros:
R: Design, Fit and Comfort
P: Contras:
R: Tongue / Collar area
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Trekking, Casual Wear, Hiking

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Tipo de arco:Arco alto
EdadDe 45 a 54
5 de 5 estrellas.

perfect light trail boot

hace 4 meses
I own two of the older Aerios mid-height boots and these are on par with those. Build quality seems good to me, no issues with these or their predecessors. The fit is spot on, I am a uk 9 and these are to size. The toe-box is one noticeable thing that differs from previous incarnations, and it really is a personal thing. I have 101 mm wide feet, and the toe is noticeably roomier and the sole more flared.. .in fact, it is like looking down on a Hoka. This would deter me from using it on anything steep and scrambly, and I do not think they are as good for this use as the older Aerios (for edging anyway). But for walking, perfect. These are stiff enough to take a modern hybrid walking crampon, but they will not be anywhere near as warm as the all-round Acrux etc. The ankle cuff is noticeable. I think this is due to the padding being more internal than balanced between that and the outer surface, but I can feel it. This is a tiny bit distracting, but is personal I expect and in no way irritating. The sole has a totally different direction of heel grip. The edges favor downhill traction over uphill; which for frozen ground is a considerable advantage over the older Aerious. I expected to slip a little on uphill mud and loose surface, but don't... so it is performing very well indeed. This will also prolong sole life and reduce resistance in forward motion. I really like it.
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P: Talla:
R: uk 9
P: Pros:
R: light, comfy, grip, wiggle toes,
P: Contras:
R: light, so not for heavy loads
Uso este producto para:Trekking, Mountaineering, Casual Wear, Hiking

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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5 de 5 estrellas.

Best hiking boot

hace 4 meses
If you’re looking for a lightweight boot that doesn’t require any break-in days, the new Arc’teryx Kopec boot is for you. I wore these on a 7-mile hike right out of the box and had no issues. Additionally, as someone with a wider than average foot, I appreciate the wide toe box the Kopec offers. I also tend to be notoriously clumsy on more technical terrain so the ankle support is a must! Did I mention they’re Gore-Tex?! The Kopec boot is guaranteed to carry you through any adventure.
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Tipo de arco:Arco normal
EdadDe 35 a 44
5 de 5 estrellas.

Extremely Comfortable

hace 4 meses
So far so good, have about 40km on them already and I won’t be stopping anytime soon. Very comfortable, foot doesn’t slide in the shoe, feels like it’s a part of my foot. Very light weight, great grip and so far very durable. I did have a slight concern when they got wet, seemed the outer material stayed wet for a long time after but the inside seemed dry to the touch.
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P: Talla:
R: 8.5
P: Pros:
R: Grip, comfort, lightweight
P: Contras:
R: Waterproof questionable
Uso este producto para:Trekking, Hiking

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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0 comentarios
Tipo de arco:Arco normal
EdadDe 35 a 44
2 de 5 estrellas.

Issues with waterproofing

hace 5 meses
Very comfortable and a great looking boot but unfortunately a day of exploring in the rain left me with wet feet. There seemed to be an issue with the waterproof coating as the canvas was soaked through across the top and sides. Disappointing, but possibly an early batch issue with the canvas/rune colorway. The staff at Arcteryx were great and provided a full refund, mentioning that mine were the second pair that day to be returned for the same reason. Hopefully the issue can be resolved because otherwise they were great.
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P: Talla:
R: 11.5
P: Pros:
R: Comfortable, light weight, stylish
P: Contras:
R: Not waterproof
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Hiking

No, No recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 5 meses
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Hi Andy. Thanks for sharing your feedback on the Kopec Mid GTX Boot. We are sorry to hear about the waterproofing issues you experienced. We will pass your comments to our team.
0 comentarios
5 de 5 estrellas.


hace 5 meses
Best shoes for hike !! Full stop True size and toes are really confy
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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5 de 5 estrellas.

Great new design

hace 5 meses
Excellent! Light, supportive and great sole !!!!!!!
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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5 de 5 estrellas.

Prefect for my feet!

hace 5 meses
Well constructed boot. I am an adult club foot with a high instep and a wide foot and at long last an Arcteryx boot that fits as the laces extend further down the boot to the toe box allowing for the wider foot. I'm a UK size 9 and the size 10 fits me perfectly. Very comfortable.
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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0 comentarios
Tipo de arco:Arco alto
EdadDe 35 a 44
5 de 5 estrellas.

Top shoe for winter communting and autumn hikes

hace 5 meses
Super compact shoe with good fit. I like the easy acsess very much. Its perfect for autumn hikes and also for communting in winter.
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P: Talla:
R: 45 1/3
P: Pros:
R: easy access, simple design, durabel
P: Contras:
R: -
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Casual Wear, Hiking

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Northern Ontario
Tipo de arco:Arco normal
EdadDe 45 a 54
5 de 5 estrellas.

Nice wide toe box ... great fit ... quality build

hace 6 meses
So far these are excellent - lots of room in the toe box (coming from 5+ years hiking in Altra's). Decided to give these a go. Have only dog walked/trail hiked in these for about 100 km so far but nothing bad to report. Quality and build are excellent and the orange is awesome. Would reco and buy again.
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P: Talla:
R: 11.5
P: Pros:
R: Quality. Wide toe box. Waterproof
P: Contras:
R: None so far.
Uso este producto para:Trekking, Casual Wear, Hiking

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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4 de 5 estrellas.

Runs too narrow

hace 6 meses
I would second a couple reviews here in that for me, the shoe runs narrow in the mid side section causing pain after 20 mins at home. The top shoelace eyelets are also awkward and hinders the functionality a bit. I had to return unfortunately but was very pleased with that process.
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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FRankfurt / Main
Tipo de arco:Arco normal
EdadDe 35 a 44
2 de 5 estrellas.

Stiff, cold shoe with almost no cushioning.

hace 6 meses
Unfortunately, as so often in recent years, this shoe is rather uncomfortable, with moderate lacing and almost no cushioning. I used to love Arcteryx shoes, but for the last three years the quality of the shoes has been terrible. It started with replacing the ortholite insole with a hard insole that has no cushioning and feels like a piece of cardboard. The shoes have become stiff, provide little support and feel unsafe when hiking and on easy ascents. I keep trying out Arc shoes, including this one, but the experience is always the same.
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Uso este producto para:Trekking, Klettern, Wandern

No, No recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 5 meses
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Hi Frank, we are sorry to hear about your experience with the Kopec Mid GTX Boot and we appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. Comfort is imperative, and we will pass this along to our design team as we are continuously striving to improve our products.
0 comentarios
Tipo de arco:Arco normal
EdadDe 35 a 44
4 de 5 estrellas.

not too shabby

hace 6 meses
pretty good- comfortable fit and look great— only issue for me is the mediocre ankle support and the slight heel slipage that accompanies it. i wish they’d improve their lacing structure to allow for a more snug fit around the top of the shoe.
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P: Talla:
R: 10
P: Pros:
R: looks
P: Contras:
R: ankle lacing
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Trekking, Casual Wear

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Tipo de arco:Arco bajo
EdadDe 35 a 44
3 de 5 estrellas.

Build seems nice, NOT for wide mid-foot / low arch

hace 6 meses
I have wide feet with almost no arch. Was hoping these might work. Sadly after a 5-10 mins walking outside, my foot was felt crushed and in a lot of pain. Typical problems for me and my never ending quest to find shoes that fit, but the description of "wide " on these is only about the front / toe box. They are still very narrow at the mid foot / arch area. Other than this they seem like great shoes... I wish shoe companies would be more specific about this kind of thing for those of us with tricky feet.
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P: Talla:
R: 10.5
P: Pros:
R: Build
P: Contras:
R: Too narrow in mid foot for low arch
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Casual Wear, Hiking

Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 6 meses
Customer Service
Hello there, thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We're sorry to hear that the Kopec Mid GTX Boot didn't meet your expectations, especially regarding width and comfort for your specific foot shape. We understand how challenging it can be to find the right fit, and we appreciate your insights on the sizing description. We're continuously working to improve our products. Your comments will help us refine our sizing details to better assist customers with unique foot needs.
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5 de 5 estrellas.

Lightweight, no break in period, comfortable

hace 6 meses
I took these in my regular size 10.5, they fit perfectly. First longer day in them, 4200 feet elevation and 14 miles they handled beautifully. No pain spots, no blisters, breathable, great traction on loose dry downhill. I stubbed my toe a few times and the toe protection was amazing, no pain. Room to splay feet naturally. This review is limited, not sure how they will last over time-but straight on the box these are super light, no break in period, and checking off all the requirements I have for a great hiking shoe. Will use them on Mt. Whitney next!
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Publicada originalmente en Kopec Mid GTX Boot, 2024

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9 – 38 de 38 Reseñas
Kopec Mid GTX Boot
rating 3.9211 out of 538 Opiniones

Bota impermeable de media caña para senderismo, para moverse con rapidez y ligereza sobre terreno cambiante.

2199,00 NOK

Color:Black / Black

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Bota Kopec Mid GTX Hombre

Ágil y ligera, con buena sujeción y cómoda, la Kopec Mid GTX permite moverse con confianza por cualquier terreno y en cualquier momento del año. Hecha para salidas de un día o trekkings minimalistas, su protección GORE-TEX sin PFAS pone una barrera al agua y la nieve. La caña en malla de CORDURA es duradera y ligera, una almohadilla moldeada protege el tobillo, y la ancha puntera hará felices a tus dedos. De la amortiguación y la sujeción se encarga la mediasuela de doble densidad, y el diseño de tacos de la suela Vibram Megagrip aporta un agarre seguro.


Para actividades de montaña, diseños duraderos y seguros para condiciones inesperadas y diversas.

Fast and Light (Rápido y ligero)

Alto rendimiento minimalista y peso ligero para desplazamientos veloces en condiciones climáticas variables.


Tejidos transpirables, impermeables y resistentes al viento, que ofrecen resguardo completo y seguro frente al entorno.