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  • 4 4 5.5 4ZM3.5 4C3.22386 4 3 3.77614 3 3.5C3 3.22386 3.22386 3 3.5 3C3.77614 3 4 3.22386 4 3.5C4 3.77614 3.77614 4 3.5 4ZM1.5 4C1.22386 4 1 3.77614 1 3.5C1 3.22386 1.22386 3 1.5 3C1.77614 3 2 3.22386 2 3.5C2 3.77614 1.77614 4 1.5 4ZM2.5 5C2.22386 5 2 4.77614 2 4.5C2 4.22386 2.22386 4 2.5 4C2.77614 4 3 4.22386 3 4.5C3 4.77614 2.77614 5 2.5 5ZM4.5 5C4.22386 5 4 4.77614 4 4.5C4 4.22386 4.22386 4 4.5 4C4.77614 4 5 4.22386 5 4.5C5 4.77614 4.77614 5 4.5 5ZM6.5 5C6.22386 5 6 4.77614 6 4.5C6 4.22386 6.22386 4 6.5 4C6.77614 4 7 4.22386 7 4.5C7 4.77614 6.77614 5 6.5 5ZM7.5 6C7.22386 6 7 5.77614 7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 5 7.5 5C7.77614 5 8 5.22386 8 5.5C8 5.77614 7.77614 6 7.5 6ZM5.5 6C5.22386 6 5 5.77614 5 5.5C5 5.22386 5.22386 5 5.5 5C5.77614 5 6 5.22386 6 5.5C6 5.77614 5.77614 6 5.5 6ZM3.5 6C3.22386 6 3 5.77614 3 5.5C3 5.22386 3.22386 5 3.5 5C3.77614 5 4 5.22386 4 5.5C4 5.77614 3.77614 6 3.5 6ZM1.5 6C1.22386 6 1 5.77614 1 5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5C1.77614 5 2 5.22386 2 5.5C2 5.77614 1.77614 6 1.5 6Z"

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  • 4 4 5.5 4ZM3.5 4C3.22386 4 3 3.77614 3 3.5C3 3.22386 3.22386 3 3.5 3C3.77614 3 4 3.22386 4 3.5C4 3.77614 3.77614 4 3.5 4ZM1.5 4C1.22386 4 1 3.77614 1 3.5C1 3.22386 1.22386 3 1.5 3C1.77614 3 2 3.22386 2 3.5C2 3.77614 1.77614 4 1.5 4ZM2.5 5C2.22386 5 2 4.77614 2 4.5C2 4.22386 2.22386 4 2.5 4C2.77614 4 3 4.22386 3 4.5C3 4.77614 2.77614 5 2.5 5ZM4.5 5C4.22386 5 4 4.77614 4 4.5C4 4.22386 4.22386 4 4.5 4C4.77614 4 5 4.22386 5 4.5C5 4.77614 4.77614 5 4.5 5ZM6.5 5C6.22386 5 6 4.77614 6 4.5C6 4.22386 6.22386 4 6.5 4C6.77614 4 7 4.22386 7 4.5C7 4.77614 6.77614 5 6.5 5ZM7.5 6C7.22386 6 7 5.77614 7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 5 7.5 5C7.77614 5 8 5.22386 8 5.5C8 5.77614 7.77614 6 7.5 6ZM5.5 6C5.22386 6 5 5.77614 5 5.5C5 5.22386 5.22386 5 5.5 5C5.77614 5 6 5.22386 6 5.5C6 5.77614 5.77614 6 5.5 6ZM3.5 6C3.22386 6 3 5.77614 3 5.5C3 5.22386 3.22386 5 3.5 5C3.77614 5 4 5.22386 4 5.5C4 5.77614 3.77614 6 3.5 6ZM1.5 6C1.22386 6 1 5.77614 1 5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5C1.77614 5 2 5.22386 2 5.5C2 5.77614 1.77614 6 1.5 6Z"

    United States


あらゆる複雑な地形での反応性の高い履き心地、バランスのとれたトラクション、しっかりしたフィットを実現する新しいNorvan LD 4 で、安定した走りを。


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Rho LT连帽衣 男装

Rho LT连帽衣 男装


58 个评论带有 5 颗星。
6 个评论带有 4 颗星。
1 个评论带有 3 颗星。
0 个评论带有 2 颗星。
1 个评论带有 1 颗星。


47 个评论者中有 46个评论者 (98%) 推荐此产品


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选择将此项目评为 3 星。此操作将打开提交表格。
选择将此项目评为 4 星。此操作将打开提交表格。
选择将此项目评为 5 星。此操作将打开提交表格。


1 to 第 8 项,共 66 项 评论
1 – 第 8 项,共 66 项 评论
使用 Google 翻译
问: 尺码:
答: Medium

是, 我推荐此产品。

最初发布在 Rho LT Hoody, 2021-2023

0 则意见
Yorkshire UK
年龄55 - 64岁
您的身高:176cm - 182cm
4 星,共 5 星。

Very comfortable; incredibly warm.

Bought the top for outdoor winter running. Beautifully soft and fits well. Balaclava hood is fitted snugly but not constrictive. It’s extremely warm. A little too warm for my climate/purpose - even an easy run would need to be below 0c.
使用 Google 翻译
问: 尺码:
答: Medium
问: 优点:
答: Softness, warmth, quality
问: 缺点:
答: A little too insulated
我使用该产品的目的是:Trail/Running, Hiking

是, 我推荐此产品。

最初发布在 Rho LT Hoody, 2021-2023

0 则意见
您的身高:176cm - 182cm
5 星,共 5 星。

Love it

2 个月前
One of my favorites for my morning trail runs, missed the seasonal colored ones. I want more of these!
使用 Google 翻译
问: 尺码:
答: Medium
问: 优点:
答: Style, comfort, performed well
问: 缺点:
答: Pricey
我使用该产品的目的是:Trail/Running, Hiking, Ski/Snowboard

是, 我推荐此产品。

最初发布在 Rho LT Hoody, 2021-2023

0 则意见
5 星,共 5 星。


2 个月前
Je les utiliser lors d,une sortie de ski de fond . Vraiment essentiel en temps froid .Protège bien la nuque ainsi que le coût .
使用 Google 翻译
0 则意见
1 星,共 5 星。

Balaclava does not work well.

2 个月前
Purchased with the intention that this would replace the need for a separate balaclava while skiing. The face mask does not sit snug to the face and constantly needs readjusting while skiiing. It is also thick material and very difficult to breathe through. Thermal quality of the shirt is great however this was not the reason for purchasing. Hopefully Arc’teryx will honour their product and allow an exchange for a similar product without the balaclava.
使用 Google 翻译

否, 我不推荐此产品。

来自 Arc'teryx 的回答:
2 个月前
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Thank you for your review of the Rho LT Hoody. We’re sorry to hear that this item didn’t meet your expectations and didn’t function as you had hoped for skiing. We understand how important it is to have gear that performs as expected in those conditions. While we ask that items be returned unworn with the tags attached, we'd be happy to assist further if you haven't already reached out to our Guest Services team. We appreciate your feedback and are here to answer any questions you have.
0 则意见
年龄55 - 64岁
您的身高:168cm - 175cm
5 星,共 5 星。

Superb when it’s cool

3 个月前
I wore this with a thin windproof gillet for a lightweight fast hike up a few hills in the Lake District UK in a strong cold wind. Around -1 degree C. It was absolutely perfect. No need for a jacket. My neck was well protected and I could use the hood and face mask to regulate my temperature. And it feels great against the skin, wicking really well. An absolutely great product.
使用 Google 翻译
问: 尺码:
答: Small
问: 优点:
答: Wicking, warmth, feel, fit
我使用该产品的目的是:Trail/Running, Mountaineering, Hiking

是, 我推荐此产品。

0 则意见
您的身高:168cm - 175cm
5 星,共 5 星。


3 个月前
Feels like silk and just good i have no complaints with this item and pretty warm
使用 Google 翻译
问: 尺码:
答: M
问: 优点:
答: Everything
问: 缺点:
答: Nothing

是, 我推荐此产品。

0 则意见
1 – 第 8 项,共 66 项 评论
Rho LT Hoody
rating 4.8235 out of 568 评论




Rho LT连帽衣 男装

内层衣服是叠穿系统的基础。需要具有功能性,并且穿着舒适。Rho LT连帽衣专为凉爽天气中的低强度运动打造,采用我们的拉绒Torrent™弹力涤纶面料,吸湿排汗、轻度保暖、亲肤舒适。修身剪裁,带来绝佳的面料性能,并易于叠穿。胸前口袋大小合适,可稳固存放智能手机,风帽提供多种佩戴选择——可作为保暖围脖、传统风帽或全覆盖的巴拉克拉法帽。







