Pau had piercing ice blue eyes, but if you ever looked deeper, you would see flames from the brightly burning star that was inside him. Pau was a real wild cowboy with a passion for climbing that was and still is incomprehensible to most. He worked during the week at his family-owned construction business but would rush off to the mountains every weekend to climb daring and bold ice lines. He often shouted “Gassss! Megaexhibicio hyper-a mort!” ("Foot down! Mega-psyched hyper-to-the-death!") while climbing, which is now a bittersweet phrase to those he climbed with. Pau’s love for audacious routes was not his only endearment, but he was also a caring and virtuous friend to many. He is dearly missed. In honour of Pau, yell “Gassss! Megaexhibicio hyper-a mort!” the next time you are at a crux.
- La Massue, 140 m, V, WI7
- Double Cigare, 120 m, III, WI5+
- Pisevache, 350m, V, WI6
- Folly de Droite, 300 m, III, WI6
- Aurelia, 130 m, V, WI5
- All of the above climbs done in less than a week in Chamonix, France