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  • 4 4 5.5 4ZM3.5 4C3.22386 4 3 3.77614 3 3.5C3 3.22386 3.22386 3 3.5 3C3.77614 3 4 3.22386 4 3.5C4 3.77614 3.77614 4 3.5 4ZM1.5 4C1.22386 4 1 3.77614 1 3.5C1 3.22386 1.22386 3 1.5 3C1.77614 3 2 3.22386 2 3.5C2 3.77614 1.77614 4 1.5 4ZM2.5 5C2.22386 5 2 4.77614 2 4.5C2 4.22386 2.22386 4 2.5 4C2.77614 4 3 4.22386 3 4.5C3 4.77614 2.77614 5 2.5 5ZM4.5 5C4.22386 5 4 4.77614 4 4.5C4 4.22386 4.22386 4 4.5 4C4.77614 4 5 4.22386 5 4.5C5 4.77614 4.77614 5 4.5 5ZM6.5 5C6.22386 5 6 4.77614 6 4.5C6 4.22386 6.22386 4 6.5 4C6.77614 4 7 4.22386 7 4.5C7 4.77614 6.77614 5 6.5 5ZM7.5 6C7.22386 6 7 5.77614 7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 5 7.5 5C7.77614 5 8 5.22386 8 5.5C8 5.77614 7.77614 6 7.5 6ZM5.5 6C5.22386 6 5 5.77614 5 5.5C5 5.22386 5.22386 5 5.5 5C5.77614 5 6 5.22386 6 5.5C6 5.77614 5.77614 6 5.5 6ZM3.5 6C3.22386 6 3 5.77614 3 5.5C3 5.22386 3.22386 5 3.5 5C3.77614 5 4 5.22386 4 5.5C4 5.77614 3.77614 6 3.5 6ZM1.5 6C1.22386 6 1 5.77614 1 5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5C1.77614 5 2 5.22386 2 5.5C2 5.77614 1.77614 6 1.5 6Z"

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  • 4 4 5.5 4ZM3.5 4C3.22386 4 3 3.77614 3 3.5C3 3.22386 3.22386 3 3.5 3C3.77614 3 4 3.22386 4 3.5C4 3.77614 3.77614 4 3.5 4ZM1.5 4C1.22386 4 1 3.77614 1 3.5C1 3.22386 1.22386 3 1.5 3C1.77614 3 2 3.22386 2 3.5C2 3.77614 1.77614 4 1.5 4ZM2.5 5C2.22386 5 2 4.77614 2 4.5C2 4.22386 2.22386 4 2.5 4C2.77614 4 3 4.22386 3 4.5C3 4.77614 2.77614 5 2.5 5ZM4.5 5C4.22386 5 4 4.77614 4 4.5C4 4.22386 4.22386 4 4.5 4C4.77614 4 5 4.22386 5 4.5C5 4.77614 4.77614 5 4.5 5ZM6.5 5C6.22386 5 6 4.77614 6 4.5C6 4.22386 6.22386 4 6.5 4C6.77614 4 7 4.22386 7 4.5C7 4.77614 6.77614 5 6.5 5ZM7.5 6C7.22386 6 7 5.77614 7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 5 7.5 5C7.77614 5 8 5.22386 8 5.5C8 5.77614 7.77614 6 7.5 6ZM5.5 6C5.22386 6 5 5.77614 5 5.5C5 5.22386 5.22386 5 5.5 5C5.77614 5 6 5.22386 6 5.5C6 5.77614 5.77614 6 5.5 6ZM3.5 6C3.22386 6 3 5.77614 3 5.5C3 5.22386 3.22386 5 3.5 5C3.77614 5 4 5.22386 4 5.5C4 5.77614 3.77614 6 3.5 6ZM1.5 6C1.22386 6 1 5.77614 1 5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5C1.77614 5 2 5.22386 2 5.5C2 5.77614 1.77614 6 1.5 6Z"

    United States

Nouvelles chaussures

La nouvelle Norvan LD 4 allie réactivité, adhérence équilibrée et maintien fiable sur terrain variable et accidenté, pour une stabilité optimale à chaque foulée.

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Mallas Rho Hybrid Insulated Mujer
180,00 €

Mallas Rho Hybrid Insulated Mujer

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6 de 7 (86%) personas que han escrito una reseña recomiendan este producto

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Valoración media

1 to 8 de 10 Reseñas
1 – 8 de 10 Reseñas
0 comentarios
EdadMás de 64
Tu altura:153 cm - 160 cm
5 de 5 estrellas.

Very warm and comfortable cutting

hace un mes
It is very warm, breathable and has a very comfortable cutting. I’m 41 kg, 155 cm and size xs fits just right.
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P: Talla:
P: Pros:
R: Very warm, comfortable, breathable
P: Contras:
R: None
Uso este producto para:Casual Wear

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

¿Le ha resultado útil?
0 comentarios
5 de 5 estrellas.

für kalte Tage

hace 2 meses
perfekt an kalten Tagen, angenehm zu tragen und ideal isoliert!
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¿Le ha resultado útil?
0 comentarios
EdadMás de 64
Tu altura:153 cm - 160 cm
3 de 5 estrellas.

Warm tights

hace 2 meses
I bought these pants to wear beneath my windpants for cold hikes. While very warm and thin enough to layer, they were too short and too tight around the knees. I decided to return them
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P: Talla:
R: M
Uso este producto para:Trekking, Hiking

No, No recomiendo este producto.

¿Le ha resultado útil?
Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 2 meses
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Thank you for your review of the Rho Hybrid Insulated Bottom. We're glad to hear that you found the pants warm and thin enough for layering. We understand that the fit didn't work out for you, and are sorry you had to return them. Since these are designed as a base layer, they are meant to fit snugly against the body to maximize warmth and comfort. However, we'll be sure to pass your comments along to our design team regarding the tightness in the knees, as feedback helps us to improve our products. Thank you again for your review!
0 comentarios
EdadDe 35 a 44
Tu altura:168 cm - 175 cm
5 de 5 estrellas.

Love these

hace 2 meses
Phenomenal pants. They are like a mix of a base layer pant and the atom jacket! Hard to describe but they are so comfy and versatile. They look good in the city running errands as pants but would also be great for winter hikes up North.
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P: Talla:
R: M
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Casual Wear, Hiking

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

¿Le ha resultado útil?
0 comentarios
3 de 5 estrellas.

Too short

hace 3 meses
These seem nice and comfy and warm... but they are really short. I'm 5'7" and these look like they are cropped on me. I have noninsulated Rho bottoms from this year and last year, and they are longer in the leg.
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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace 2 meses
Customer Service
Hello there, thank you for your feedback on the Rho Hybrid Insulated Bottom. We’re glad you find them comfortable and warm, but we’re sorry to hear the length isn’t working out for you. Your observation about the leg length compared to other Rho bottoms is helpful, and we’ll share this with our design team. If you’d like assistance finding a product with a longer fit, please don’t hesitate to reach out, we’re happy to help!
0 comentarios
EdadDe 45 a 54
Tu altura:161 cm - 167 cm
5 de 5 estrellas.

Super warm and comfortable 5'4 and 122lb - Small

hace 3 meses
I run very cold and these are amazingly warm wearing alone or under jeans/pants when going out in zero weather in the city and its amazing it doesn't add too much bulk.
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P: Talla:
R: Small
P: Pros:
R: Very thin and warm
P: Contras:
R: none
Uso este producto para:Commuting/Travel, Casual Wear, Hiking

Sí, Recomiendo este producto.

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0 comentarios
1 – 8 de 10 Reseñas
Rho Hybrid Insulated Bottom
rating 4.6 out of 510 Opiniones

Primera capa con fibra hueca, que aporta un elevado nivel de rendimiento térmico sin abultar.

180,00 €


Envío y devoluciones gratis

Mallas Rho Hybrid Insulated Mujer

Nuestras mallas Rho más abrigadas combinan un nylon Fortius Air 20 con fibra hueca Coreloft Stretch y paneles de micropolar Torrent en la parte inferior de las piernas, cintura y el escudete de la enterpierna, para aportar un elevado rendimiento térmico sin abultar. Va en contacto con la piel y es fácil vestir encima otras capas, y su patrón articulado se combina con elasticidad para aportar libertad de movimiento en escaladas, foqueos y descensos.

Lo que se ha actualizado: Actualizadas con fibra hueca Coreloft™ para mayor liberta de movimiento, nueva ubicación de las costuras en rodilla e interior de la pantorrila para reducir roces, y confort en contacto con la piel y bajo otras capas.


Capa base térmicamente eficiente con excelente propiedades para la gestión de la humedad. Resulta cómoda gracias a su elasticidad.


Maximiza el beneficio del usuario gracias a la localización estratégica de diferentes materiales en el diseño.

Material transpirable

Permite que el vapor de la humedad salga, ayudando a regular la temperatura y mejorando así la comodidad bajo la prenda.

Fair Trade

Fabricado en unas instalaciones con la certificación Fair Trade Certified™. El bienestar de los trabajadores ha de ser parte integrante de nuestros productos.