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  • 4 4 5.5 4ZM3.5 4C3.22386 4 3 3.77614 3 3.5C3 3.22386 3.22386 3 3.5 3C3.77614 3 4 3.22386 4 3.5C4 3.77614 3.77614 4 3.5 4ZM1.5 4C1.22386 4 1 3.77614 1 3.5C1 3.22386 1.22386 3 1.5 3C1.77614 3 2 3.22386 2 3.5C2 3.77614 1.77614 4 1.5 4ZM2.5 5C2.22386 5 2 4.77614 2 4.5C2 4.22386 2.22386 4 2.5 4C2.77614 4 3 4.22386 3 4.5C3 4.77614 2.77614 5 2.5 5ZM4.5 5C4.22386 5 4 4.77614 4 4.5C4 4.22386 4.22386 4 4.5 4C4.77614 4 5 4.22386 5 4.5C5 4.77614 4.77614 5 4.5 5ZM6.5 5C6.22386 5 6 4.77614 6 4.5C6 4.22386 6.22386 4 6.5 4C6.77614 4 7 4.22386 7 4.5C7 4.77614 6.77614 5 6.5 5ZM7.5 6C7.22386 6 7 5.77614 7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 5 7.5 5C7.77614 5 8 5.22386 8 5.5C8 5.77614 7.77614 6 7.5 6ZM5.5 6C5.22386 6 5 5.77614 5 5.5C5 5.22386 5.22386 5 5.5 5C5.77614 5 6 5.22386 6 5.5C6 5.77614 5.77614 6 5.5 6ZM3.5 6C3.22386 6 3 5.77614 3 5.5C3 5.22386 3.22386 5 3.5 5C3.77614 5 4 5.22386 4 5.5C4 5.77614 3.77614 6 3.5 6ZM1.5 6C1.22386 6 1 5.77614 1 5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5C1.77614 5 2 5.22386 2 5.5C2 5.77614 1.77614 6 1.5 6Z"

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  • 4 4 5.5 4ZM3.5 4C3.22386 4 3 3.77614 3 3.5C3 3.22386 3.22386 3 3.5 3C3.77614 3 4 3.22386 4 3.5C4 3.77614 3.77614 4 3.5 4ZM1.5 4C1.22386 4 1 3.77614 1 3.5C1 3.22386 1.22386 3 1.5 3C1.77614 3 2 3.22386 2 3.5C2 3.77614 1.77614 4 1.5 4ZM2.5 5C2.22386 5 2 4.77614 2 4.5C2 4.22386 2.22386 4 2.5 4C2.77614 4 3 4.22386 3 4.5C3 4.77614 2.77614 5 2.5 5ZM4.5 5C4.22386 5 4 4.77614 4 4.5C4 4.22386 4.22386 4 4.5 4C4.77614 4 5 4.22386 5 4.5C5 4.77614 4.77614 5 4.5 5ZM6.5 5C6.22386 5 6 4.77614 6 4.5C6 4.22386 6.22386 4 6.5 4C6.77614 4 7 4.22386 7 4.5C7 4.77614 6.77614 5 6.5 5ZM7.5 6C7.22386 6 7 5.77614 7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 5 7.5 5C7.77614 5 8 5.22386 8 5.5C8 5.77614 7.77614 6 7.5 6ZM5.5 6C5.22386 6 5 5.77614 5 5.5C5 5.22386 5.22386 5 5.5 5C5.77614 5 6 5.22386 6 5.5C6 5.77614 5.77614 6 5.5 6ZM3.5 6C3.22386 6 3 5.77614 3 5.5C3 5.22386 3.22386 5 3.5 5C3.77614 5 4 5.22386 4 5.5C4 5.77614 3.77614 6 3.5 6ZM1.5 6C1.22386 6 1 5.77614 1 5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5C1.77614 5 2 5.22386 2 5.5C2 5.77614 1.77614 6 1.5 6Z"

    United States

Nouvelles chaussures

La nouvelle Norvan LD 4 allie réactivité, adhérence équilibrée et maintien fiable sur terrain variable et accidenté, pour une stabilité optimale à chaque foulée.

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Camiseta manga corta Lana Merino Wool Crew Mujer
90,00 €

Camiseta manga corta Lana Merino Wool Crew Mujer

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace un mes
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Hi there. Thanks for sharing your feedback on the Lana Merino Wool Crew Shirt SS. We are sorry to hear that you are disappointed with the current version and and that it did not suit your needs. We will pass your comments to our team.
0 comentarios
1 de 5 estrellas.

Nowhere near the old version! Sad!

hace un mes
The old version of the Lana is a wonderful versatile shirt that I have in multiple colors in both the short sleeve and the long sleeve. I bring at least one of them on every trip I take, no matter where I go. And I love wearing them for everyday occasions, too. I don’t understand why Arc’teryx felt the need to update the shirt in such a drastic manner. It’s not even similar to the old version but seems to be very similar to the new Satoro baselayer. The old Lana had many great reviews on here. Please bring back the old version and offer it in a couple of new colors.
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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace un mes
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Hi there. Thanks for sharing your feedback on the Lana Merino Wool Crew Shirt SS. We are sorry to hear that you are disappointed with the current version and that it did not suit your needs. We will pass your comments to our team.
0 comentarios
1 de 5 estrellas.

Revised Lana

hace un mes
Horrendous revision of what used to be an amazing shirt. Will never buy this top again. Awful.
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No, No recomiendo este producto.

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Respuesta de Arc'teryx:
hace un mes
Arc'teryx Guest Services
Hi there. Thanks for sharing your feedback on the Lana Merino Wool Crew Shirt SS. We are sorry to hear that you are disappointed with the current version and that it did not suit your needs. We will pass your comments to our team.
0 comentarios
Lana Merino Wool Crew Shirt SS
rating 2 out of 54 Opiniones

Escala, corre y camina con esta camiseta ligera en lana merina que no adquiere olores.

90,00 €


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Camiseta manga corta Lana Merino Wool Crew Mujer

Esta camiseta en mezcla de lana merina es esencial para carreras de montaña, escaladas y aproximaciones durante todo el año. Natural, antibacteriana y estupenda para regular la temperatura, la lana merina no forma bolitas ni adquiere olores, lo que la convierte en una prenda excelente (y que no apesta) en vías largas o salidas de varios días. Créenos, tus compañeros de tienda te lo agradecerán.

Lo que se ha actualizado: La nueva lana merina Betaspun combina fibras de nailon y TENCEL™ en un hilo más ligero, suave y duradero que regula la temperatura y resiste la abrasión y la formación de bolitas. También le hemos dado un nuevo corte más ceñido, con un cuerpo más corto y dobladillo recto.


Para actividades de montaña, diseños duraderos y seguros para condiciones inesperadas y diversas.

Fair Trade

Fabricado en unas instalaciones con la certificación Fair Trade Certified™. El bienestar de los trabajadores ha de ser parte integrante de nuestros productos.